Gate Guarding in Texas


Craig and I are starting our second gate guarding assignment today in Texas. The first gate lasted around three weeks and we made a little over $6,000. It was a 24 hour gate with a guard shack. Our RV was parked next it. There was a generator to hook up to for power and water/sewer tanks. It was a busy gate and pretty remote.


This gate seems a little less busy and we will be working out of our RV. It is less money, but nice to sit in or outside our house on wheels. We will make a little over $5,000 for around four weeks. It also has hook ups (generator.) Laredo is close by.


We are enjoying working together as usual. We read a lot, play cards and talk. I have been planning our road trip to California for our fall jobs helping to manage a pumpkin patch and managing a Christmas tree lot. We will visit several more national parks like Saguaro, Channel Islands and Pinnacles. In the spring of 2020, we will head up the coast to Redwoods, Oregon, Washington and Vancouver. Hopefully in the summer we can travel across the top of the country visiting several more national parks. We would like to spend the summer in Massachusetts visiting friends and family and head down to Florida next fall. We will be volunteering for The Disney Wilderness Preserve again next fall/winter 2020/21!  







On the Road Again

It has been a very nice winter here in Florida, but we need to start making some money again! So we are headed to Texas in April to do some gate guarding at the oil fields. It is good money, we get an RV spot and we will still be working together. Basically, we keep an eye on things and sign workers in and out.

We decided to take the same route we took last March and April to San Antonio, Texas. We will be staying in some of the same RV parks and trying some new ones out. I will be updating our Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook along the way. You can like any of our social media on the left. We are excited to visit some of our favorite places like New Orleans and new ones like Grayton Beach, Florida.



On the Road Again was originally published on Parkit